Andrew A. Caffey

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Business News

Do Your Homework

The smart first step to buying a franchise or business opportunity: research right.

Business News

Finding the Perfect Opportunity

Owning a franchise or business opportunity is within your reach--it's just a matter of finding the right one.

Business News

Ask the Insiders

What franchisors want, common mistakes and the skinny on multiunit options: Our panel of experts tells all.

Business News

Five Franchising Strategies

Owning and operating isn't the only way to build a franchise biz. Here are five other strategies to get you in the game.


A Tale of Two Opportunities

If you're considering buying a franchise or business opportunity, here's what you need to know before making your decision.


Cheap Sheet

Stumped by the task of finding the perfect budget-friendly franchise? We've got all the answers you need to do your homework right--and spend your money wisely.

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